by Tenafly Shukokai Karate | Aug 22, 2013 | Blog
Things taught at Tenafly Shukokai Karate this week… Apart from the blocks, punches and kicks taught at karate, there’s are lots of other important lessons learned. These are often lessons that help build character, discipline, focus, creativity, patience,...
by Tenafly Shukokai Karate | Apr 22, 2013 | Blog
Many parents often encounter difficulty getting their kids ready to go to Karate class They find themselves confused at their child’s enthusiasm when they are actually in class. “I have to fight to get them here,” or “He just wants to play with...
by Tenafly Shukokai Karate | Feb 17, 2013 | Blog
Why Karate? Martial Arts is a practice that develops: Character, humility, gratitude, charity, confidence, self esteem, self control, determination, patience, temperance and a sense of obligation to pass on what is learned. No other physical discipline offers so much....